Perfect Compatibility
- Full cross-browser compatibility. (Supports the latest IE 9, Google Chrome, FireFox 3, Opera 9 and Safari 3!)
- Fully compatible with iPad website
- Supplies Free add-ons for Expression Web, FrontPage, Dreamweaver and Golive
- Supports any DOCTYPEs, and supports UTF-8

Powerful and Feature-rich
- Creates web scroller including pure text, images or a combination of both of them, with no limitations on the number of images
- Database-driven web scroller: item text, links, tips, etc. can be dynamically generated from database using ASP, JSP, PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion or JavaScript
- The generated image scroller can detect the browser's window size and fit the window automatically when its width value is set as percent
- Image Library and Image Border provide rich resources
- Any HTML code can be used in item text, title text and popup tips

Flexible Customization
- Full customization to scroller elements, including images, text, font, backgrounds, colors, links, alignment, spacing, padding, etc.
- Title, pagination, popup tips and scroll arrows are four optional parts, which you can choose freely as you like
- Choose auto scroll option or click the arrow button to spring scrolling
- Support editing multiple items at one time

High Usability
- User-friendly interface with live preview
- All the images are pre-loaded to reduce the download time
- Drag and drop thumbnails in the List panel to adjust the order of items quickly
- Support setting width at percent in iPad slideshow to perform well for both landscape and portrait mode
Product Info
- File Size: 18.1 MB
- Latest version: 2.3
- Build number: 233
- Uninstall: Supported
System Requirement:
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003/2008
IE 5+